Friday, May 6, 2011


No, "WMD" does not mean Weapon of Mass Destruction. In this case, it stands for the "Where's Mikey Device". It is a device called a Spot2 that works with the GPS satellites in reverse of what most think of the GPS system. Instead of telling me where I am at, it will tell you where I am. A global locator of sorts.

How important is this? Well, imagine being in the middle of nowhere without a cell signal and you're riding a motorcycle that now has a flat tire (or worse.) Because this talks to satellites, we don't need no stinkin' cell signal. I can send predefined help messages to those that want to act as my backup, or in the case of a serious situation needing help NOW, I can send a message to a help assistance center that will send helicopters to the location. The WMD also allows you to track my progress on my way on a day to day basis. As I update this blog on the trip, I will add the web address for an interactive page that uses Google Maps to plot where I was throughout the day. Pretty cool, huh?

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