Saturday, July 9, 2011

Yosemite to Redding, CA

The park at Yosemite is truly jaw dropping beautiful! After riding from Mammoth Lakes into the park, it seemed that every turn was another opportunity to feel rather small in this world. The scale of the moutains and valleys was something I'd never seen before, save for the Grand Canyon when I was much younger. I'm sad to say that I didn't get all the pictures I wanted to, but if I had I would *still* be there!

Once I left the park, I then headed to I-5 for the run north to Redding. As I was going to Merced, it hit me that I was about due for an oil change. Merced Motorsports put me to the front of the line when I told them I was on a Four Corners Tour and I very much appreciated that. It was also the first time that an oil change cost me less than $100. Not sure why it is cheaper here than in Virginia, but it must be the difference in labor rates.

Next is Crater Lake, then turning towards Portland to Camas, WA to visit my father and grandmother.

Here's the link to the route and the pictures I took along the way.


Grampz said...

Terrific place. Glad all is well. Enjoy your visit in Portland. We are following your trip as often as we can. The pictures are absolutely magnificent.

Sarah said...

Elena is doing great. Truck needs a bath from the rain, but other than that everything is good. Hope you are enjoying yourself, those photos were priceless. Have to admit, I really had no idea what you meant when you said 4 corners....I do now. Ride safe. My husband thinks your cat has the ability to become invisible, since every time he goes to clean out the litter box, kitty is no where to be seen... Elena likes playing peek a boo. Pregnancy is going good, should I go to the hospital and need to stay more than a day, I will have my husband or sister feed her. Will keep you posted.